Employees are considered the most essential players in any business organisation. Without them, business machines, forms and systems will not run as what they intend to be. Thus, our personnel, as they work hard to reach the goals of our firms, are worthy to receive benefits that will make their lives better. Here’s a list of employee benefits that cost nothing – how many will you do?
Since money is important to a person’s life to live with prosperity, it is just ideal to grant our workers with all the monetary benefits that are due to them. Furthermore, money, although indispensable, cannot completely make your employees happy and motivated.
Employers and business owners should also consider the following zero-dollar cost benefits that are important to motivate them and make your organisation productive.
24 Employee Benefits that cost nothing
1. Give them the freedom of expression. The freedom of expression is one of the greatest privileges a person could have. It will not only fulfill their thoughts and emotions, it also indicates a true organisation where everyone has a voice.
2. Give a round of applause. This will not only recognise the good deed of an employee and increase his confidence; this will also inspire other employees to do the same.
3. Loosen up their feet. When there are no clients to watch their feet. Your employees can have the benefit of relief by loosing their shoes and wearing some comfortable footwear.
4. Be humble. A humble boss gives comfort and gentleness to his people. Humility will also bring your employees in the higher grounds of humanity.
5. Flex the clock. You can give certain employees flexible time of work depending on their situation or time requirements.
6. Celebrate their celebrations. Birthdays, fiestas, baptisms, weeding and the like are events that your employees want your presence. Hence, spare some time to attend them.
7. Apologise. We are all human. Apologise to your employees for the mistakes you have done. You can also give an apology to their families for taking most of the time of their love ones – whom happens to be your workers.
8. Smile and say hello. This is to promote joy and comfort inside your organisation. Greeting your employees makes them feel your care and their importance to you.
9. Be a teacher. Knowledge is power, and that power is an important gift you can give to your staff and personnel. Share what you know so that they may increase their knowledge. This will also develop your human bonding with them and increase productivity inside your business.
10. Let them borrow your stuff. Books, magazines and other educational materials can be picked out of idleness and be utilised by your employees.
11. Close your eyes. Sometimes, bosses whose eyes are always keeping on their workers, make employees uncomfortable. They also feel like they are all suspects of any wrongdoings. One good benefit you can give to your labourers is some space and confidence.
12. Walk the talk. Meeting held inside the office is often boring. You can bring your employees in the park, at the bay or any places where ambience is great for any discussion. It will not only make your meeting an interesting one, it will also burn your extra calories.
13. Give hope. As the leader and the captain of your firm in achieving its goals and success, giving hope to your subordinates and followers is a must. Hope serves as the fire and energy your employees need to continue in times of hardships and trials.
14. Give comfortable zones. It’s not only ideal however it is also legally mandated – that you give your employees a comfortable working place. So don’t turn-off the air-conditioning or cooling system while they are inside your office, unless they want it to be turned off. You can also schedule renovations on days when your employees are not around to keep them away from hazards.
15. Put it in writing. Your can make notes to acknowledge the good things your employees did for the firm. A simple “good job” can boost their self-esteem.
16. Trust them. Sometimes you need to close your eyes and trust your employees. Trust is very important in any relationship because it makes people feel they are reliable, responsible and capable.
17. Lend ears. Their freedom of expression will be wasted if you will not listen. I have heard employees state they never feel heard – change that!
18. Make them trainers. This is because everyone has their own strengths. The purpose of this is to discover their fortes and share them to everyone. You may assign your employees their beloved topics to be taught to everyone whom will be interested. This will help them eradicate their weakest links and serve as their opportunity to boost productivity.
19. Be an inspiration. Another of our employee benefits that cost nothing, be a model, be an inspiration and make them proud and thankful that you become their boss
20. Be patient. Patience is a virtue, and that virtue is one ideal benefit your employees can truly enjoy.
21. Bestow the freedom of passion. Anyone doesn’t want a boring job or task. You can give them the freedom to choose the projects they most likely want to accomplish.
22. Let them browse. Almost all companies have internet connection in their offices. Most of them restrict it to employees to avoid personal use – it’s fine. However, you can be generous enough to give your employees free time to browse the Internet.
23. Award fame. Humans love money and fortune. They also love fame. Aside from monetary awards and benefits, you can also award them fame. You may do it by publishing their success in your bulletin board or in the media.
24. Be compassionate. See an employee having a hard time? Offer tham your support, ear or the rest of the day off; whatever they need to get back to 100%.
So there’s our list of 24 employee benefits that cost nothing – how many will you do in the days and weeks ahead?
Photo by Řaj Vaishnaw from Pexels